Monday, December 16, 2013

7 puppies left in a plastic tub on the side of the road in Ohio have been saved

Source - A passerby is being credited with saving the lives of seven puppies who were found on the side of a road in Ohio locked inside a storage container in below freezing temperatures. “It was one of those days it didn’t get above zero. Luckily they had each other to keep them warm,” said Pat Gansen of Mason City Animal Control.
The dogs are thriving now, but Gansen said if no one had seen them, and they could have died in the cold.
“Our goal is to find these dogs loving forever homes where they’ll never be left on the side of the road again” Gansen said.

I couldn't wish more bad things on the sick fuck the left these puppies like that. Thank god someone walked by before they froze to death. Classic case of dogs rallying together and keeping each other alive. No chance in hell they would have let one of them die. No dog left behind. I hope they have the best life ever now, but I already know they will because they are dogs. 

PS: I need that guy on the far right. 

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