Friday, December 20, 2013

Cool App of the Week

Run Pee. Great app. You gotta be a movie guy but even if you got to two movies a year you will use it.

When you open the app it has a list of every movie currently in theaters. Each movie will have a review without spoilers and a letter grade on how good it is overall.

Once you've decided on a movie you select which one you want to go see. The first option for you is 'running late?', which I usually am. Click this option and it will tell you what happens in the first five minutes of the movie. This way you can still grab your popcorn and sour patch kids, find your front row seat in the pitch black, and not miss a thing.

The last thing on a each movie page is for the end. It just says 'anything after the credits?' and gives you a simple yes or no. Now you know when you should stay to get an early preview of what to expect in the sequel or you can get the hell out of there before anyone starts asking questions about who spilled all this popcorn.

And most importantly, or at least according to the app, is what if you have to pee during the movie? Well, I'm glad you asked. Each movie will have three 'pee times'. These are the three times during the movie that the least amount of important stuff happens so this is when you should go to the bathroom. It gives you triggers like "go 43 minutes in, right after Legolas pins two orks heads together with one arrow" so you can just watch and wait or you can start a timer on your phone in your pocket right when the movie starts. In that case it will buzz softly like a text during the three best times you should go. And the best part is when you are in the bathroom the app gives you a synopsis of what happens during the five minuets you are taking a leak.

If you're a fan of the big screen then you're a fan of this app. I don't go to the movies without it! (I mean cause it's on my phone, and I haven't been anywhere without my phone since '98, but you get the idea)

Editor's update:

Need to know this if you have an iPhone. Go to settings, general, keyboard, then scroll down to shortcuts. Click add a new shortcut. Then in the phrase write "fucking" and make the shortcut "ducking"

Do this with fucked and ducked also. Now every time your phone autocorrects to ducking or ducked it will think its a shortcut for fucking and fucked. Never have that problem again. You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. if it takes you 5 minutes to go pee you're doing it wrong
