Thursday, December 19, 2013

Sean Penn's daughter is really hot and potentially dating Team Edward

Source - Dylan Penn, daughter to A-listers Sean Penn and Robin Wright, had some choice words to say about the rumors that she was dating 27-year-old Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson.
When asked by GQ magazine about all the "attention" she's been getting since the dating reports started, the 22-year-old responds, "We're talking about Rob here? That's been very foreign to me. But actually kind of funny, because it's all bullsh**."

She posted a video about how you can date her here. She says I have to make her laugh somehow. It can be crude or lighthearted. Well, that rules me out. Plus, she is definitely dating Pattinson so I'm fucked anyway. There is a bar down the road from me we hit sometimes cause its cheap and close and Pattinson is in there a lot. He literally stands in the dark corner sulking but he is with some smoke he brought. I get wanting to be out of the spotlight but how is that a good look for you. Being in a fucking dive bar where someone like me can see you and start thinking you suck? Rule number 6 bro. 

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