Friday, December 20, 2013

J.K. Rowling is producing a Harry Potter prequel stage play

Source - Back in September we learned that author J.K. Rowling is working on writing a Harry Potter spin-off movie that will focus on minor characters from her hugely successful book series. Today we learn that she is also writing a new stage play that will feature her beloved, most famous character Harry Potter. BUT, lest you think this new play will focus on Harry‘s adventures with witchcraft and wizardry you should know that the play will be a prequel to the events that take place in the very first Harry Potter book. Rowling‘s new Potter project will focus on the character’s days living with his Muggle family before he learned of his magical heritage.

I am about to say something sketchy here because me talking bad about JK is like Jerry Thornton talking bad about BB. So if you don't see another blog from me today I was probably struck down by God himself. 

First of all, I'm not even sure how I feel about the spin off movie she is making about magical beasts and where to find them. Second of all, her two other books besides potters, especially the casual vacancy, noooooot that great. Makes me wonder, did she get lucky? I refuse to believe that because creating those seven books was nothing short of masterful, but part of me wants to be like take your money and go. Don't tarnish your legacy. I know you're a writer and writers want to write, but just write for fun. Show it to your friends and family. I don't ever want to think less of you. 

So now we are going to take potter to the stage? Really? Are we? And not only that but a prequel. And not a sick prequel about james and sirius and lupin at hogwarts. A prequel like harry ages 0-11 living with the Dursleys, doing no magic, and getting wailed on by Big D. Yikes. 

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