Wednesday, December 18, 2013

FCC is going to end sport's TV blackout rule

Source - The FCC moved closer to eliminating the agency’s 40-year-old sports blackout rule, drawing the ire of broadcasters who say such a move will only speed the migration of major events to cable and satellite pay platforms. The rules allow for sporting events to be “blacked out” in a market if it is not available on a local station, meaning that cable and satellite companies are prevented from carrying the signal of a distant station that is carrying the event. The change still would not prevent sports leagues from negotiating their own private agreements for blackouts with broadcasters.

I'm sure people in Jacksonville, Tampa, and Buffalo are popping champagne right now, but I don't really give a fuck considering I am from an area where sports are relevant and every team is good. My only questions is how are the going to fix the problem of blacking out channels on sports packages I buy? Like When I buy NHL Center Ice or Sunday ticket and click on a game I should NEVER see "this game is not available on this channel". I don't give a fuck if it's on NBCSports too. I don't get that fucking channel. I paid for this fucking service. I want every second of every game as promised. Figure that out and get back to me. 

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