Monday, December 16, 2013

How to tell if someone is lying

Source - The first thing to look for is, "Are they answering the question, or are they deliberately being evasive or dismissive?" Steve says, "A truthful person will give a clear-cut direct answer," while a deceptive person will object, saying something like "Why would I do that?"

The second red flag: Deceptive people will talk in different tenses. "Deceptive people jump between past tense and present tense."

Finally, "Look for conflict or contradiction between what a person says and their body language, in fact, shows." Some people might involuntarily shake their heads or put a hand near their mouth, which some scientists believe is a subconscious attempt to block false words.

This has got to be the worst list of all time. If they dodge the question, trip over their words, and then their eyes start darting over the room, they start shaking, and maybe cry a little bit they might be lying to you? This is the guy training people across the globe? He's worked on more than 50 serial killer investigations? How have we ever caught anybody. If and when I go on a killing spree I pray they bring this guy in here. Him: "Did you kill this person?" Me: (direct eye contact) "No". Boom. Case closed. 

If this guy wants some tips I've got some for him. Is the person a piece of shit? If so hes lying. Is the alibi story a little too good? if so he lying. Does the person look a little too relaxed? if so hes lying. Is the person me? If so hes lying. 

1 comment:

  1. If someone says they have read power's latest blog they are lying
