Thursday, December 19, 2013

Does this look like the face of a tutor at OC High School caught cheating

Source - Police are searching for a private tutor suspected of helping a group of students at Corona del Mar High School in Newport Beach who allegedly hacked into teachers’ computers to change their grades, officials said. "We discovered yesterday that several students were involved in hacking into staff members’ computers,” said Laura Boss, communications director for the Newport Mesa Unified School District. “It appears that it was possible grade changes and access to tests.”

Yes. Yes it does. Look at this sketchy Asian. What else could he possibly do with his time beside hack computers. This was a no brainer. Also, what do we think about changing grades as a form of cheating. On the one hand I want to say listen if they hack in and change the grade, especially if the report card comes out already, then whats done is done. Students win. But on the other hand I think cheating on the test is wayyyy better. Because if you change your grade the teacher has plenty of evidence that your scores don't add up to the A. But if you just cheat on the test without getting busted you are golden because what can they say? You've got 97s coming out your ass. Tell me I'm wrong. And cheating on tests is not hard. How do you think I graduated from college? 

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