Sunday, December 22, 2013

Scientist at Oxford says we could actually make Jurassic Park

Source - Dinosaurs could be brought back to life...using the DNA of birds.
In an echo of Jurassic Park, experts believe identifying and altering certain genes found in the DNA of modern birds would mean genomes of the prehistoric creatures could be engineered 20 million years after they died out.
Oxford biochemist Dr Alison Woollard says it would be theoretically possible to recreate species through the DNA...

Is this possible? I don't mean what the scientists are saying. I mean could we make a Jurassic Park and have it be safe? Now before you jump down my throat just think about it. Obviously it would have to be on an island, and obviously it you couldn't bring back any dino's that could fly. We have enclosures that control silver back gorillas. Who are quite smart and insanely strong. I just think we could extrapolate that a bit and make something intense enough to contain an T Rex. If you die, sorry, you signed a waiver. Is it worth it to see one in person? For some people, no doubt. 

Also do people know that velociraptors are tiny? Like the size of a chicken. The movie portrayal is a gross exaggeration. So rattling. I would beat the shit out of one of those things before they could say its just her reflection in whatever language they were speaking. 

PS My history teacher used to whistle this song when he got to class in high school. 

PPS This is the best acting I've ever seen 

Take this quiz, it will place you in your hometown 

Pretty cool quiz actually. I didn't do so hot considering it said I was from Detroit, but for everyone else I've seen it was dead on. I don't know, I guess I don't sound like I'm from Boston. I like the quiz the most to see that shit other people say who don't live in New England. It's like they are speaking another language. How I am supposed to understand someone from the mid west when they sound like a less evolved human being? There's English, then there is English. In New England, we speak the latter. 

Injuries in football are out of control

Sorry to talk about the Pats here but after we kicked the shit out of the champs, packed up the car, put the keys in the ignition, and started the drive to New Jersey today I just have to comment on the injuries. Every team gets bit by the injury bug, but the Pats are feeling it at a historic level. Watching Vereen and McCourty go down for, knowing us, probably the rest of the year it makes me wonder how we can even field a team for the playoff run. I'm not worried, I would still go to war with only #12 on the field, but at some point it gets a little ridiculous.

You know what really grinds my gears

I hate it SO much when DBs start swagging out after an incomplete pass when in reality they got burned and had nothing to do with the play. 

Saw this gem in the Miami Buffalo game today. Stop waging your finger Mutombo style. Robert Woods is nude. You're a good 3 yards behind him. Do your fucking job.

What Christmas would be like if men and women switched roles

Girls are such a disaster. Both girls in real life, and girls trying to imitate men. Was that a football game they were watching? I watch basketball on Christmas Day babe. Well played on the mistletoe over my dick though. Guilty.

PS Is football the most obvious sport to guess what people are watching if you can't see the tv, only their reactions? I would love to do a quiz about that. My initial guess is football 1, baseball 2, basketball 3, hockey 4. But maybe they are all easy?

Steve Martin has to apologize for kinda racist tweet

Source - Steve Martin has apologized for making a racist joke on Twitter. On Friday, the actor and comedian was engaging in a back-and-forth with followers about grammar, using their questions to make wisecracks. 
When one person asked Martin, “Is this how you spell lasonia?” the star replied, “It depends. Are you in an African-American neighborhood or at an Italian restaurant?”

It's mind blowing to me the shit people make a big deal out of. This is like a bed time story compared to the hate people spew on twitter 24/7. But that's beside the point because he is a celebrity and always being scrutinized. My real question is what is the line between something that is just true and something that is racist? If I were to say, black people are typically more athletic than white people, or say asian people are worse drivers, and I can back them up statistically does that make me racist? And I'm not racist, I have black friends. (classic you actually are prejudice line) I feel like it shouldn't, I'm just saying things that are true. And if I know anything to be true, its that black people tend to have crazy spellings of shit. Dwyane, Anferny, d'brickashaw? There's a  student in my friend's 2nd grade class named "La-La" but it's pronounced Ladashla. 

It was just a joke, and it's true. It's called comedy. Look it up. 

D Wade proposes to Gabrielle Union, gives her a million dollar engagement ring

Source - Every kiss begins with ... an engagement ring that costs MORE THAN MOST PEOPLE MAKE THEIR WHOLE FRICKIN' LIVES -- if you're Gabrielle Union and Dwayne Wade, that is.

Dwayne popped the question Saturday night with an 8.5 carat cushion cut diamond ring (pictured below) made by go-to celeb jeweler Jason of Beverly Hills ... and TMZ has learned it goes for nearly 1 million bucks.

I am ignorant so I seriously don't know the answer to this. Do women continue to wear their engangement ring after they get married? Or is it just a filler until the wedding ring? If that is the case I feel like this is setting the bar waaaaaaay too high. Think of the other things you could get for a million dollars. Wouldn't you two, as a couple, benefit from using that money on almost anything else than on a ring she will lock in jewelry box on the dresser? It's not a pissing contest, Dwyane.
That being said:

I'm pretty sure the engagement ring is three months salary. So I guess in reality D Wade is a cheap mother fucker more concerned with piling up his bills than making his woman happy. 

France Decides It Needs Its Own Word For 'Sexting'

Source -  PARIS (AP) — France, a nation with a centuries-old reputation for seduction, now has a word for sexting.
If you want to send sexually explicit photos or text messages to your lover in France, it's called "textopornographie." That's the term recently chosen by the Academie Francaise, the respected institution that watches over the French language and regularly invents French terms for English or other expressions that have gone global.
It was one of many words published this month in a government legal database. It may not end up in the dictionary however, Tonolo said, if the phenomenon fades.

Are French people just getting on board with this? I thought Paris was the romance capital of the world? If so, somebody better have a good explanation as to why America is putting a beat down on them. I have it on good authority that French people calls texts either "SMS" or "texto" so I see the root word now, but still. Both pathetic. At least make yours "sexto". You expect people to say hey babe textopornographie me? That is a joke. And more importantly don't French people just say hamburger? Like when one language has a perfect word you just use it. We say RSVP. I'm pretty sure fiance is French. Just say sext. It's perfect. Don't reject it. Stop over complicating things. 

Does this look like the face of a guy who left his wallet at the Kwik-E-Mart he robbed

Source - Wait guys, I think we need to go back...
Police in Florida (where else?) got a bit of unexpected help during an armed robbery investigation in Ocala, Fla., when they discovered a wallet left at the scene of the latest crime.
Following a holdup at a Quick King convenience store on the night of Dec. 13, K-9 units tracked the suspects to a dirt driveway behind the store where they recovered a wallet belonging to Keith Ray Howell, reports My News 13. A search of Howell's house uncovered more potentially incriminating evidence: a ski mask with eye holes in the trash, per My News 13.

Why bring your wallet with you for this robbery?? Bring it in the car, I get that, what if you are pulled over on the way. But once you park somewhere, why don't you just leave the wallet on the dash, bro? All that can happen is you drop it in the store. What, you're worried about someone stealing it from you? That feels a little like the pot calling the kettle black. 
But really my favorite part about this is the search of his house produced a ski masks with eye holes in the trash! Hey I get it, gotta dispose of the evidence. But don't you know when you delete emails you still gotta empty the recycle bin? Like just because it's in your trash can in the middle of the kitchen doesn't mean you burnt it and dumped the ashes in the Atlantic. 

LA man DeAndre Howard spends 11 years in prison for murder he didn't commit

Source - DeAndre Howard spent more than a decade in prison for a murder he knew he didn’t commit. After years of fighting for his innocence from behind bars, a federal judge had finally granted him an appeal. Prosecutors, he said, gave him a choice. He could plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter and get out in time for a Thanksgiving dinner with his family. Or he could go back to trial and risk spending the rest of his life in prison.  He chose trial. That felt final. It felt right.
“There was no need to compromise your integrity just so you can go free,” he said. “I felt that’s something you have to hold firm to even if your life is on the line.”

This guy can play for me any day. Eleven years before they would listen to him? How could they be so obtuse? But seriously, don't ever admit to something you know you didn't do. Ever. Respect the shit out of this move.  He went in jail at 20! He's 31 now. Jesus, that's your best pussy years down the drain. That's what you gotta think about here, the intangibles. What we, as a society, took from DeAndre on the fateful day. I can't believe they ever let him go. Can't have a free man walking the city who you owe that many favors to. 

Guy in Glendale steals 85 thousand dollar bracelet

Source - A search was underway Sunday in Glendale for the thief who snatched an expensive diamond bracelet from a jewelry store during the busy holiday rush, authorities said. The thief grabbed the $85,000 diamond Rolex bracelet Thursday around 6:40 p.m. from Romano’s Jewelers in the Glendale Galleria, according to the Glendale Press News.

Is it easy to move product like this? When you steal something worth 85K does everyone know its stolen so they wont buy it from you or is that a non issue? And what percentage of market value are you getting for this since you have to move it fast? 50 cents on the dollar? I lost the mega millions, I'm just trying to iron out a new plan.

Also, I feel like this could be the new strategy to steal things. Heists are so elaborate now nobody would see this coming. You run all game until they drop a safety and then you burn them with the play action. This is just like that. They are looking for trickery. Just grab the fucking thing and run.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Have a great weekend everybody!

Here's hoping you're closest to the pin this weekend. Cheer up, it's almost Christmas!

Cool App of the Week

Run Pee. Great app. You gotta be a movie guy but even if you got to two movies a year you will use it.

When you open the app it has a list of every movie currently in theaters. Each movie will have a review without spoilers and a letter grade on how good it is overall.

Once you've decided on a movie you select which one you want to go see. The first option for you is 'running late?', which I usually am. Click this option and it will tell you what happens in the first five minutes of the movie. This way you can still grab your popcorn and sour patch kids, find your front row seat in the pitch black, and not miss a thing.

The last thing on a each movie page is for the end. It just says 'anything after the credits?' and gives you a simple yes or no. Now you know when you should stay to get an early preview of what to expect in the sequel or you can get the hell out of there before anyone starts asking questions about who spilled all this popcorn.

And most importantly, or at least according to the app, is what if you have to pee during the movie? Well, I'm glad you asked. Each movie will have three 'pee times'. These are the three times during the movie that the least amount of important stuff happens so this is when you should go to the bathroom. It gives you triggers like "go 43 minutes in, right after Legolas pins two orks heads together with one arrow" so you can just watch and wait or you can start a timer on your phone in your pocket right when the movie starts. In that case it will buzz softly like a text during the three best times you should go. And the best part is when you are in the bathroom the app gives you a synopsis of what happens during the five minuets you are taking a leak.

If you're a fan of the big screen then you're a fan of this app. I don't go to the movies without it! (I mean cause it's on my phone, and I haven't been anywhere without my phone since '98, but you get the idea)

Editor's update:

Need to know this if you have an iPhone. Go to settings, general, keyboard, then scroll down to shortcuts. Click add a new shortcut. Then in the phrase write "fucking" and make the shortcut "ducking"

Do this with fucked and ducked also. Now every time your phone autocorrects to ducking or ducked it will think its a shortcut for fucking and fucked. Never have that problem again. You're welcome.

John Oliver gets emotional on his last Daily Show

If you're a fan of the show or John worth the watch. I'm a sucker for the sappy stuff. 

PS sorry for the ad

Kate Upton and her boy friend split up!!!!

Source - Rejoice, fellas: Kate Upton is back on the market! After six months together, the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model and dancer Maksim Chmerkovskiy have recently split, multiple sources confirm exclusively to Us Weekly.

First of all, huge news! Second of all, that guy? Third of all, I thought she was fucking Verlander? 

Anyway, this girl is super polarizing for a lot of guys but don't list me among the ones with any doubts. Absolute gotta have her girl. So hot. Impossible rack. Impossible. Would really love to live in the world where I get famous enough to meet her, go down on her for several hours, get her to commit to me, and then John Mayer my way into never having to speak to her. Step one of that plan is her being back on the market. 

Will Arnett Dating Producer Erin David.

Source - A honey for the holidays! Will Arnett has moved on from his August romance with celebrity chef Katie Lee. The 43-year-old Millers actor is now dating Hollywood producer Erin DavidUs Weekly can exclusively confirm.

I've made a huge mistake. 

Anna Paquin gets cut from the new X Men movie

Source - In an interview with EW, director Bryan Singer has revealed he had to cut a sequence from the film that contained the only screen time for Anna Paquin’s Rogue character. (The “True Blood” star had only shot a couple days worth of footage). Singer says in the interview the reason for the cut had to with the film already having so much in it and the sequence ultimately feeling unnecessary. He goes on to add that it probably will be included on the DVD with other deleted scenes.

Talk about getting your teeth kicked in by Jennifer Lawrence. I mean this isn't that big of a deal. If you think she's hot just watch True Blood. She's naked in half the episodes. Plus Rogue can't even fuck so her character kind of sucks. But if you're telling me that if they didn't have J Law parading around naked and covered in blue paint the entire movie Anna would still be cut, then you are outside of your god damn mind. They looked at the footage, and they looked at the people lining up to see Jen, and left Anna's scene on the cutting room floor. Plain and simple. You have been out gunned, out classed, and out coached. 

Joe Jonas is surprised people think he is pussy when he revealed that he is a pussy

Source - "I lost my virginity when I was 20. I did other stuff before then, but I was sexually active at 20. I'm glad I waited for the right person, because you look back and you go, ‘That girl was bats--t crazy. I'm glad I didn't go ther,.'" he wrote.
Jonas also revealed that he "smoked weed" for the "first time" with Cyrus and Lovato. He claimed they peer pressured him into getting high. "I must have been 17 or 18. They kept saying, ‘Try it! Try it!' so I gave it a shot, and it was all right," he recalled. "I don't even smoke weed that often anymore."

Dude you're a squid. It's fine. You're famous. Just don't try to be someone you're not. I'm not even gonna dog him for being such a pussy that Miley and Demi Lovato "peer pressured" him into smoking a joint. Which is brutal. I just want to say this. If you don't have sex until you are 20 and you aren't waiting til marriage for some completely outdated and moronic religious reason, then you are a psycho. Just sick, fucked up, individual. Assuming you can get laid in the first place, which I could not and can not. But if you are person that girls want to sleep with and you are waiting for no reason at all you have wasted your entire life. I mean truly go away from me and never come back. The earlier you are sexually active the longer you have to fuck 18 year old girls which is the only honorable mission in life and the better you get at sex. Not the best look to have that mustache and still blow your load on the second pump. Why do think I shave?

Nicki Minaj is an actress now

Source -

Nicki Minaj Teams Up With Cameron Diaz In ‘The Other Woman’

Great. I just don't understand what I am doing wrong?

Jimmy Kimmel does the 2013 clip of the year

I laughed at the monkey. And you know how I feel about people getting scared. All I'm saying is these don't hold a candle to Hedo Rick.

You know what brings me back to this video so many times? The wild women, the wild women, the rippin and tearin, the rippin and the tearin...

There are luxury resorts for pets

Source - Do you feel guilty boarding your pets while you're traveling during the holidays? Maybe you should start feeling jealous...

I'm not copying much of this article because it is like a mile long but if you are taking a decent shit in the near future I would recommend this. I will try to highlight the good stuff:

Some places charging $5 for 15 minutes of belly rubs, or $6 for bedtime story time.

Amenities still on the market include hot-oil skin and coat treatments ($10-$20, by weight), pawlates ($25 per session) and shopping sprees during which pets are brought to the resort's well-stocked gift shop to select their own toys and treats, within a budget laid out by Mom and Dad. (It's up to resort staff to enforce these price limits; animals, even very well trained ones, can't be expected to do math.)

A certified animal masseuse named Holli Shan offers both sport and regular massages for $35 each.

The $20 cuddle sessions are similar to massages -- but more straightforwardly petty, instead of health-related.

And speaking of $105 per night dog quarters, there are four tiers of housing for canines. The "classic" model -- 20 square feet of space, with three walks per day included, for $60 -- is perhaps the tiniest bit grim. But there is nothing grim about the toniest boarding space. These "luxury" suites are $105 per night; suites with windows are a well-spent extra $5. Each 50-square-foot enclosure comes with a webcam, four walks per day, two playtimes and a television.

Guests can schedule water workouts for $35 a pop. 

You can take your pet in for a day of R and R or you can leave your pet here when you go on vacation instead of sticking your pup on a relative. I am not even going to get in to the level of crazy you must be if you are paying $105 bucks a night for you dog to stay in the luxury suite. You've got enough problems already without me piling it on. When I am going to say is I HAVE to work here. Don't want to. Don't even need to. Have to. 

The beginning of the article says Americans spent 55.53 billion dollars on their pets in 2013. People would literally pay me money to rub dogs tummies all day and read them bed time stories by night. My entire life just flipped on its head. 

Georgia Congressman says students should have to sweep the floor to get a free lunch at school

Source - A Georgia congressman defended himself Friday after being criticized for suggesting that students who receive free school lunches should have to work for them. At a local republican party meeting this past weekend, Republican representative Jack Kingston said that kids could pay 5 or 10 cents “…to instill in them that there is, in fact, no such thing as a free lunch.”
He then went on to suggest they sweep floors in return for the meals they receive as part of the federal school lunch program.

Holy shit dude. Fuck child labor laws right? But I'm pretty sure the whole point of having free public education is so that children, you know the future of civilization, get educated and don't have to grow up and blog 40 hours a week. And part of that is giving them a free lunch. You think I liked school when I was a kid? You were sticking me in hell for 8 hours. What are you going to do, keep me after class to take out the trash? The least you can do is give me a thirty minute break to stuff my face with lukewarm tater tots. Sweep the floor my ass. 

Except on rectangle pizza day. I would have swept the floor for lunch that day. 

The Hollywood Hills

Katy Perry and John Mayer don't speak at home

Source - In an interview on Ellen, Perry revealed that the pair often end up communicating through an iPad to preserve their voices. According to the singer, Mayer’s vocal cord problems have made it crucial that he not speak — or whisper — as much as possible off stage.
“I understood that he couldn’t talk, and the only way he could communicate was through an iPad,” Perry told DeGeneres in her interview (below). “Some days I have to go on complete vocal rest, like no anything, no whispering. Whispering is actually really bad. There’s just a lot of silence in our house most of the time.”

That is rich! First Scar Jo and now this? This is like the hot thing going around celebrity couples. Just come up with ways to never have to speak to your wife. Doesn't matter if its the language barrier, or that your vocal cords need a break. It all works as long as it adds up to all the benefits of a girlfriend with none of the nagging. John Mayer gets it done, I wish I could. Not only is his kill list as gold as his albums, it is still growing. The audacity of him pulling out an iPad and typing "sorry babe can't talk I got a show later this week" to Katy Perry is crazy to me. So crazy that it worked. Doesn't have to listen to her attempt to sing every again, just gets to stare at those bombs in peace and quiet like the good lord intended. 

Blackberry is dying and it makes me sad

Source - BlackBerry sank deeper into a jam in the most recent quarter, posting a staggering $4.4 billion loss for the three months ended Nov. 30, 2013, as the company’s smartphone sales continued to crater. Separately, BlackBerry announced a five-year outsourced manufacturing contract with Taiwan’s Foxconn Technology Group. The pact will focus initially on producing smartphones for Indonesia and other emerging markets. 

Investors saw a glimmer of hope with the Foxconn deal, sending BlackBerry shares up as high as 17% Friday. The stock was at $7.18 per share in mid-afternoon trading — but that’s still well off a 52-week high of $18.32 per share (and a fraction of its all-time high of $148.42 in June 2008). Analysts said key details of the Foxconn partnership, including the pricing of the devices, would have to be fleshed out

Mother of God. This is hard to take in. 4.4 billion? Say it ain't so! Can you imagine owning 100 shares of blackberry in June 2008 and thinking that in 5 years that would be down $141.24/share?! Talk about a tank job. You know it is not a good look when your plan to save the business is to focus your smartphone on Indonesia and other emerging markets. So long sweet prince. I will miss you and your perfect keyboard and your flawless email and poor resolution photos. 

Blackberry game tight. 

When did Chuck Norris become Chuck Norris

I like this video. It made me laugh. But it also made me think, which I hate. What would Chuck Norris's career have been like if not for the internet? If not for Chuck Norris facts? Like would he have run his course as an action star and then faded away like everyone else? Or was he bigger than that no matter what? And who decided that it should be chuck norris facts? Does that guy get a cut of everything chuck has done this century? The internet is is like the emperor giving a thumbs up or thumbs down at a gladiator event. It's random, but when it happens your fate is sealed.

Kristin Cavallari admits she faked everything on Laguna and the Hills

Source - "I faked relationships, faked fights. I don't care anymore—I can tell you. At this point, it's been so many years," said Cavallari, who starred on Laguna Beach for two seasons from 2004 to 2005 and joined The Hills midway through its fifth season in 2009. The spinoff series ended after six seasons in 2010.
Cavallari even provided an example of a completely fabricated storyline. "Brody Jenner at the time was dating Jayde Nicole," she recalled. "I dated Brody when I was 18, right afterLaguna Beach, actually, and that's it. And then on the show, on The Hills, they had us 'dating' for a few episodes. They pretended that him and Jayde broke up and I was dating Brody, and Jayde and I got into a huge fight because she saw us in a club. It wasn't real at all. They were together the entire time." 
The shoe designer said Laguna Beach and The Hillswere "very much like soap operas" but added that she views them "as two different shows."

The 'shoe designer'. I love that. Listen, I've already blogged about this. I know everything is fake on those shows. Didn't everybody? Is she announcing this like it is news? The only thing I won't believe is that Heidi and Spencer are actually nice. Horseshit. You can't teach that kind of doughebag. You have to be born with it. 
Also Kristin is only 26. And I'm not saying she isn't hot. She is. I would happily give her five seconds of my time. But
Come on. 18 year old girls man. When you get older you think hey I'm still young. I'm in my mid (to late) 20s. I still get with hot girls. No. No you do not. The hottest girls you've ever seen were 18 and will always be 18 and if you didn't take advantage freshman year of college you should just kill yourself. In fact even if you did take advantage still kill yourself because it's over man. It's over.


J.K. Rowling is producing a Harry Potter prequel stage play

Source - Back in September we learned that author J.K. Rowling is working on writing a Harry Potter spin-off movie that will focus on minor characters from her hugely successful book series. Today we learn that she is also writing a new stage play that will feature her beloved, most famous character Harry Potter. BUT, lest you think this new play will focus on Harry‘s adventures with witchcraft and wizardry you should know that the play will be a prequel to the events that take place in the very first Harry Potter book. Rowling‘s new Potter project will focus on the character’s days living with his Muggle family before he learned of his magical heritage.

I am about to say something sketchy here because me talking bad about JK is like Jerry Thornton talking bad about BB. So if you don't see another blog from me today I was probably struck down by God himself. 

First of all, I'm not even sure how I feel about the spin off movie she is making about magical beasts and where to find them. Second of all, her two other books besides potters, especially the casual vacancy, noooooot that great. Makes me wonder, did she get lucky? I refuse to believe that because creating those seven books was nothing short of masterful, but part of me wants to be like take your money and go. Don't tarnish your legacy. I know you're a writer and writers want to write, but just write for fun. Show it to your friends and family. I don't ever want to think less of you. 

So now we are going to take potter to the stage? Really? Are we? And not only that but a prequel. And not a sick prequel about james and sirius and lupin at hogwarts. A prequel like harry ages 0-11 living with the Dursleys, doing no magic, and getting wailed on by Big D. Yikes. 

Christmas Tree prank video

This is like the scary snowman bit but with a Christmas tree. The scary snowman is funnier but these will make me laugh 10 times out of 10. I just love watching people get scared. Sue me. Probably because I do not handle it well myself. I am a fucking liability at haunted houses. Anyway, great video. I like the dude at 1:18 and at 1:55.

Guy caught driving naked and masturbating

Source - A UK man had one hand on the wheel, the other on his stick.
Neal Marshall, 49, pleaded guilty to a charge of outraging public decency after he was found naked and masturbating while driving, Chester Chronicle reported Wednesday.
He was driving more than 60 MPH.
Marshall's lawyer, Adrian Evans, said his client got "carried away."
"This does not excuse his actions but it goes a way to explain why he was seen doing it," Evans said.

Did I even have to put 'and masturbating' at the end of this headline or was that a given? I mean driving is already boring enough. Why do you think people are own their phones cruising instagram 80% of the time anyway? So if your naked what the else are you gonna do besides rub one out? And really I feel for this guy. I know where he's coming from. Ever had road dome? You literally have no idea how fast you're going. All you can think about is getting that nut, speeding tickets be damned. And he got 'carried away'. I hear you, bro. I get carried away all the time. Sometimes an innocent sunday drive can turn into me naked, bombing down the left lane, pistons pumping, just as easily as a google images search turns into me need to 'lie down' for bit. 
PS for future reference 'naked driving' is not a pleasant google images search

picture of a dog dangling out of the window in south carolina causes an outrage

Source - A picture of a dog dangling by a harness from a second story balcony in South Carolina landed a 23-year-old man in legal trouble when the image went viral and came to the attention of local police. Tyler Smith, 23, was cited with violating the city ordinance on animal care, said Greenville Police officer Johnathan Bragg.
Bragg told ABC News that it was raining outside that day and Smith apparently didn’t want to get wet, so he lifted the dog down so it could go to the bathroom and then raised it back up.
The dog was not injured.
Smith faced a $1,000 fines and 30 days in jail if convicted as charged.

I want to see heads roll for this. I don't care that the dog wasn't hurt. This is 100% unacceptable. That dog was probably terrified. It was raining out? I don't care if this was the blizzard of '83. You own a dog. It has to piss. Take it outside. I love dogs with all my heart. Miss my dogs at my parents house so badly. But I don't get a dog here because I live in a shitty apartment in the middle of downtown. It would have a bad life. And I wouldn't wish that on any dog. So cut the bullshit that you don't want to get your perm wet and take your dog outside like a man. I want a life sentence for him, his family, and anyone who knows him. This is guy is obviously a serial killer anyway if he would do something like this. 

PS really dating myself with this reference 

Catholic 'angelologist' says angels have no wings

Source - Angels exist but do not have wings and are more like shards of light, at least according to a top Catholic Church “angelologist” who says the heavenly beings are now back in vogue thanks to New Age religions. “You do not see angels so much as feel their presence,” said Lavatori, adding: “They are a bit like sunlight that refracts on you through a crystal vase.” He said the popularized image of angels is a necessary result of their being “back in fashion” but is dismissive of all the angel art around Christmas.
“There is space for that, but you have to understand that these are not real representations. Angels do not have wings or look like cherubs,” he said.

What is going on in the world today? Angels have wings bro and that's obvious. Who is this clown to go against everything we have ever known about angels? And so specific. "Bits of sunlight that refracts on you through a crystal vase." What are you even saying to me? Sounds to me like there's something in the holy water. Also, how can I not get a job when something like angelologist exists? Can I just throw ologist on the end any fake thing and get paid? I am now a dragonologist, and did you know they didn't actually breath fire? It was more of a febreeze like mist, apple cinnamon scented.

Next time think before you speak, use your eyes. Proof: