Monday, December 9, 2013

Australian man lights himself on fire trying to steal gasoline

Source - He wasn't the brightest accused thief -- that is, until he set himself on fire.
A 26-year-old Australian man was allegedly trying to steal gasoline from a car when he decided to light a cigarette, the Herald Sun reported.
In surveillance video, a fireball can be seen as the man accidentally lights the siphoned fuel on fire with his cigarette

I get it. High risk operation. Gotta calm the nerves some how. This actually makes a lot of sense to me. The kind of man that punches holes in other people's gas tank is exactly the kind of man who would spark one up in the process. Don't be such a douchebag in the future and maybe you will explode your eyebrows off a bit less. 
PS $110,000 in damages, that's an expensive pack of Marlboro Reds, bro.

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