Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Couple Call 911 When They Don't Get Hash Browns At McDonald's

Source - When Michael and Nova Smith didn't get the hash browns they ordered at McDonald's, they did more than chew out the employees, they allegedly called 911.“It’s a meal. Just like you should get fries with your hamburger, we should have got our hash browns with our breakfast sandwiches.” Nova Smith told ABC15 on Tuesday.
Smith said when McDonalds employees refused to give her the hash browns or refund her money she said she threw her food in their direction.

Big day at McDonalds. What's important here is did they order the meal or the sandwich? If they ordered the sandwich then they can kindly fuck off. If they ordered the meal, which they claim, then this is legitimately 911 stuff. It's not a 2 dollar hash brown, its a principle. However, why does Nova say when you order a hamburger you get fries with it? Is she implying that she orders hamburgers at McDonalds? She must. That's not a slip of the tongue any sane person makes. Something reeaaalll fishy about these two. They don't deserve their hash browns. You gotta earn them. 

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