Monday, December 9, 2013

Heidi and Spencer Pratt try to make amends, actually make me continue to hate them

Source - "I've talked to [Lauren] a few times on the phone and we've caught up," Heidi told PEOPLE on Friday. "She's been really sweet. The last time we talked was like a year ago. I lost her number so I haven't been able to call her [recently]. I told her I got really caught up and I was sorry about how things happened. I told her I miss her and she told me she'd always be there for me." 

Heidi, who wishes her ex-BFF a "blissful" engagement, acknowledges that the two won't necessarily always be "friends," but they'll "always have a special place" in each other's hearts.

I know that this shit was fake life but I would be doing you a disservice if I said I didn't watch Laguna like it was my fucking job when I was in prep school. I am in love with LC. Obviously. Anyway, Heidi and Spencer are a fucking joke and it's like every second they feel like they are not in the spotlight they have to do something about it. You are not friends with Lauren. Not the Lauren I know. The one that would leave her fiancee if she met me. Just shut up and go away, please. 

Or maybe you guys are friends and the whole show was an act and you win because I am still talking about you anyway... 

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