Wednesday, December 11, 2013

PS4 vs XBox1

Source - Microsoft has sold 2 million Xbox One video game consoles in its first 18 days of release around the world, the company said Wednesday, trailing the 2.1 million PlayStation 4 consoles Sony sold in 15 days.
Microsoft launched the Xbox One on Nov. 22 in 13 countries. The PS4 was released a week earlier. Results for both companies are meeting analysts expectations. The Xbox One is priced at $499, $100 more than the PS4.

So PS4 is out selling XBox 1. No surprise here, but then I'm a playstation guy. My question is am I in the majority? When this started I went N64 over Play Station. Would have stuck with Nintendo if it kept up, but sadly it didn't. I do have a Wii now, but I mean come on. 

After N64 you had a decision to make. PS2 or XBox. I went PS2. Couldn't be happier about it. Do I suck at Halo because of that decision?. Absolutely. Embarrassed myself in multiple college dorm rooms. That didn't stop me from pulling the trigger on PS3 over XBox 360. 

Are there people out there who had the PS2 then XBox 360? Or who went XBox then PS3? Did one console rub them the wrong way so badly they made the switch, or once you establish your party lines is that final? I mean I don't even think twice about going XBox at this point. And how does XBox get off charging 100 more? Like you think you are 100 dollars better than PS4, are you high? 

If we're being honest I can't tell you why Play Station is better than XBox, its just that I'm comfortable with it, and the controller, and the games (are there even console specific games anymore?). I just assume they are close enough in performance that there is no need to switch. I figured the debate was over once Play Station sided with Bluray and XBox sided with HD DVD. We all know how that ended. But here we are again, with a decision to make. If people have answers for either side I want them now. 

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