Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Skydiver falls 9000 with tangled parachute and lives

Source - A skydiver fell 9,000 feet after his parachute became tangled in a friend's during a difficult maneuver Sunday. But, in a miraculous turn of events, the man survived the fall.
Victor Bryie, of Florida, was rushed to a local hospital in the United Kingdom. Though his injuries were serious, he is reported to be in stable condition. According to The Ledger, the 27-year-old suffered multiple broken bones and a head injury in the fall.

This parachute had to be less tangled than they are implying. There is literally no chance you fall 9000 feet and live. If I feel 20 feet I would die. 
My question is about skydiving. I would love to do it, but I'm a little scared. I'm sure it's thrilling, but I just can't have that be the way I go. Like oh yea, Chris died. He jumped out of a plane for fun and then fell to the earth and died. Especially since once the emergency chute doesn't open what do you do for the rest of that fall? Just piss yourself like the pathetic person that you are and think about how much of a waste your life has been? Then splat. 

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