Monday, December 2, 2013

The fast food world as we know it ends Thursday

Source NEW YORK (AP) - Fast-food workers in about 100 cities will walk off the job this Thursday, organizers say, which would mark the largest effort yet in their push for higher pay.
The actions are intended to build on a campaign that began about a year ago to call attention to the difficulties of living on the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour, or about $15,000 a year.
The protests are part of a movement by labor unions, Democrats and other worker advocacy groups to raise pay in low-wage sectors. Last month, President Barack Obama said he would back a Senate measure to raise the federal minimum wage to $10.10.
Protesters are calling for $15 an hour, although many see the figure as a rallying point rather than a near-term possibility.
It's not clear how large the turnout will be at any given location, or whether the walkouts will be enough to disrupt operations. Similar actions this summer had varying results, with some restaurants unable to serve customers and others seemingly unaffected...

Gotta be honest, I don't eat fast food that much. Strike all you want. If the lack of employees are going to cut hours of operation, kindly lose the noon-4 bracket and keep the 1-5am. You wont lose my business that way. Here's the real reason to keep an eye on this story. $15 an hour?! If the guy hammering a touch screen and throwing my crispy chicken in a bag starts getting $15/hr I will need to seriously consider a career change. I already can't get a job, and I shudder to think how big the applicant pool at the BK Lounge is about to get. Fingers crossed. 
I can already see myself: Double baco cheeseburger. It's for a cop. 

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