Tuesday, December 10, 2013

200,000 people have applied to live the rest of their life on Mars

Source - (CNN) -- If you have ambitions of being one of the first people on Mars, listen up: A Dutch company says it is moving along with its plan to send four lucky Earthlings to colonize the Red Planet. The catch: They won't ever come back. The first pioneers could land on Mars in 2025.
More than 200,000 people have signed up to be prospective astronauts, Mars One CEO Bas Lansdorp said in Washington on Tuesday.
Apparently, they're OK with living out the rest of their lives on Mars. The technology for a return flight doesn't exist and having a one-way trip greatly reduces costs, the company has said.

2025 can't come soon enough. Listen, I think eventually humans will colonize another planet. But we are nowhere, I repeat, nowhere near that day. So if 200,000 lunatics want to go Mars right now let em fly. Send me a fucking postcard. What's the end game for these people? I mean my life sucks here on earth, dont get me wrong, but what is waiting for me on the red planet besides the same busted 100,000 chicks who wont even fuck me in zero G? 

PS No way theres a single hot chick in the group right? Why would you leave? 

PPS One way trip greatly reduces cost. Makes sense. That round trip fare, that's where they get ya.  

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