Friday, December 6, 2013

Living the Dream Part 6

When I was in college I used to love making my schedule with no Friday classes. You could go nuts Thursday night, have a long weekend, it was the dream.

Truth be told Fridays have really lost a lot of steam for me. Since I've never worked a day in my life, there is nothing to differentiate one day from the other. The only way I can tell it's Friday is everyone else is having fun. I do stay in sweatpants all day, casual Friday is a proud tradition, and people may say a lot of things about me, but disrespectful of tradition is not one of them.

Anyway, got a call back today. Told them to talk to me on Monday. I don't do work on Friday, I don't roll on Shabbos, and Sunday's are for Brady.

PF rating: 8 (real stars only work M-Th)

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