Monday, December 16, 2013

Peyton Manning plays ball like a girl

Source - Back in the summer and fall of 2011 there were doubts about whether Peyton Manning would ever play again.
He had undergone three neck surgeries in 19 months — procedures that left his upper body atrophied and his throwing arm so weak that he was only able to throw a ball five yards. Peyton said he thought he was toast at one point, but his wife Ashley convinced him to keep trying.
'Yeah,' he said, sitting in the Broncos’ cafeteria. 'Ashley [his wife] and I actually had those conversations. More than one. Because, you know, you don’t want to embarrass yourself. Because, they’re signing you and people are thinking they’re getting the player they had always seen before. And so, Ashley was the one that was saying, 'Peyton, you’ve got to try. You’ve got to try.' With this injury, nothing was happening. Nothing. For weeks. There was no progress. It was so frustrating. And really, I had a peace about it. I had a peace. So I didn’t feel like I had to play to get another win or a touchdown. But she’s like, 'You’ve got to try.' So I was glad that she pushed me to do it. Once I did it, I was going at it, and then I started seeing a little bit of light there. So, yeah, she was the one who kind of pushed me through it.'"
Manning's road back to the NFL was a difficult one. He had to completely relearn how to throw a football, as well as regain the loss of muscle on the right side of his body.

Peyton is such a pussy. He sounds like such a quitter. When you get hurt, you battle back. You don't say you're toast. You know maybe Peyton should bring his wife out on the sidelines with him during playoffs games. So when he comes back to the bench after throwing another pick in the first round, and that familiar feeling starts to creep into his head, that one where he knows he is about to go one and done again, when he just knows he is toast, this way he has the answer. Ashely will say 'come Peyton you can do it. you gotta try.' and everything will be right in the world. 
And what do you mean you had to relearn how to throw a football. I'm a god damn red blooded american man. You know how I learned how to throw a football? I was born. But maybe if I threw passes like this I would consider relearning too. 

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