Monday, December 16, 2013

Mich St fans trick Stanford fans out of Rose Bowl tickets

Source - For the first time in 25 years, Michigan State is playing in the Rose Bowl. The Spartans have been waiting a long time to take a trip to Pasadena, so naturally, fans will do anything to get tickets.
Even take advantage of a promotion geared toward Stanford fans.
Monday, Stanford’s ticket office offered fans a chance to buy tickets early before the rest of the Cardinal’s allotment went on sale. If they put down a $100 deposit (which was later increased to $200) on 2014 season tickets, they’d secure four bowl game tickets. Michigan State fans found out and took advantage of the opportunity.

This isn't a trick, it's just paying an extra hundred bucks. If Michigan st fans want to pay an extra hundo for seats then more power to them. Also, stanford fans had the exact same opportunity to get these tickets. They were just too slow on the trigger. What could they possibly be crying about her?. Boo hoo I wanted to see the rose bowl just not as bad as the other teams fan so now I'm gonna cry? Looks like home field advantage spartans in pasadena on new years day. Apparently this is the most expensive rose bowl in the last five years, which is ironic cause its hard for me to remember a rose bowl with two worse teams in it. 
Now that I think about it, if the BCS were still a thing, which it isn't, and if the BCS was the diabolic selfish piece of shit that I think it is, which it is, then they should just consistently stuff ranked teams that actually suck into these major bowls. Then their fans who are starved for any modicum of success will shell out ludicrous prices for tickets. Everyone wins, except of course fans of actual football. 

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