Thursday, December 5, 2013

Randi Zuckerberg is pissed people always refer to her as 'Mark's Sister'

Source - Being the sister to the man who connected more than a billion people through Facebook can cause you to get overshadowed, and Randi Zuckerberg is getting a little tired of it. 
Randi went on BBC's "Woman's Hour" radio program this week where she half joked that she is not just the sister to Mark Zuckerberg.

"It must be awful, but do people always introduce you as Mark Zuckerberg's big sister?" "Woman's Hour" presenter Jane Garvey asked, to which Randi quickly replied "Yes."
Randi then went on to explain that journalist Jeremy Paxman called her "Mark Zuckerberg's sister," but she mispronounced his name and called him "Jeremy Paxon."
Garvey corrected Randi and said Paxman wouldn't mind the mispronounciation, but Randi didn't seem to care.
“Well, he called me Mark Zuckerberg’s sister, to which I said ‘You know, I am legally in the process of changing my name to 'Mark’s Sister' but until then maybe you could refer to me by my actual name,’” Randi replied. 

I hate when people don't use their place in life to get things. It's not wrong. It's your place in life. Deserved or undesereved here you are. Your the sister of the world's youngest billionare. Have him break you off a mil, go to an island, and chase dick for the rest of your days. Because I don't know when the last time you saw a mirror was, but this is your only chance at a happy life. Be rich, and the sister of someone famous. In fact, literally change your name to Mark's Sister. So spare me the sob story of how "awful" it is for you. 

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