Monday, December 9, 2013

There is a new cold resistant cockroach and it WILL take over the world

Source - Periplaneta japonica, common in Asia, was first spotted by an exterminator in 2012. The researchers believe it arrived as a stowaway in one of the imported plants adorning the park. And unlike typical New York roaches, the Associated Press reports, this bug is able to withstand harsh winters.
Fortunately, the researchers say, native roaches aren’t likely to allow the japonica to take over: They expect that competition for resources will keep its population low. ”To be truly invasive, a species has to move in and take over and out-compete a native species,” Michael Scharf, a professor of urban entomology at Purdue University, told the AP. “There’s no evidence of that, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be concerned about it.”
The researchers also say it’s unlikely that the two species will “interbreed and create a hybrid super-roach,” which, until now, New Yorkers may not have realized was something we had to worry about at all.

What am I even looking at here? They look like those things that fall off trees that helicopter when you throw them in the air. That's the super bug? Anyway, there are cockroaches in LA, there were cockroaches in Miami. Terrible creatures. Would love to never see one again, so the thought of them migrating north via the underground railroad is not thrilling. What do yu mean they won't be able to out compete the native species? It seems like it will be pretty easy when they are feeding on the cold dead carcuses of the natives. 
Also, why is Asia still a place? What am I getting from them? Tiny condoms and shitty BBQ? 

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