Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Birthday shots for Brendan Fraser

Randomly saw it was the big day for B Fras. Turned 45. I was like damn, George of the Jungle is only 45? He's got some city miles on him. I wandered over to his imdb page and BAM.

Are you shitting me with this list? Fucking FIRE. Who else has an entire trilogy on their "Known For" list? I mean the movies have to be big enough that it makes the list, but you have to be just no name enough that you have no other movies to unseed the trilogy. So when I think of big trilogies, LOTR, Bourne, Matrix, Indy, those guys have been in too many other big films. Who does that leave? Wesley Snipes - Blade? Leslie Nielsen - Naked Gun? Michael J Fox has got to be out, but Christopher Lloyd? Maybe? Either way, three Mummies and Bedazzled = 45 years well spent.

Editor's Update: Luke and Leia gotta be shoe ins. Maybe the movies can be so good it's no longer insulting. 

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