Friday, December 13, 2013

China lands on the moon this weekend

Source - Hong Kong (CNN) -- China's first lunar rover is expected to land on the moon on Saturday, less than two weeks after it blasted off from Earth, according to Chinese media reports. The landing will make China one of only three nations -- after the United States and the former Soviet Union -- to "soft-land" on the moon's surface, and the first to do so in more than three decades.

Holy late to the party China. Ever heard of the space race? Yea, you lost. We already have people building condos on Mars and you are landing drones on the moon? Grow up. 

I have serious question though. Is this even legal? Like I know the moon orbits Earth, everyone can see it, it affects everyone. But didn't we claim it? There is an American Flag flying on the moon. I always just assumed we won the race so we made it our property. Squatters rights. I just don't understand how China can land anything on the moon without asking us first when we clearly own it. I don't see a Chinese flag on the moon. Do you? Do you? The moon is American and Santa is white.

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