Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Living the Dream Part 2

Had a meeting this morning with a producer at the Beverly Hills Hilton. Felt on top of the world just being there. Ordered the parfait because she did, even though I didn't want it. Cheapest thing on the menu, $15. She paid.

After talking about this and that, she makes a comment to me that when she moved out to LA she got her first job by just walking into production studios and demanding a job. Then she recommends I do the same. As we part ways I think to myself, times have changed, that would never work. Only a deluded and desperate asshole would take that approach.

I pulled in to the Paramount garage around 11. Before the morning was out I had been to Fox, Sony, and Disney. Different studios, same story. Every time I fake my way onto the lot, then start waving my resume around saying that I would love to take any job they could give me. They ask if I am on 'the list'. No sir, I am not. Then the security guards lead me off the premises. Not violently, mind you, but they have a hand on my arm. I was pretty weepy. You best believe that.

The guy at Fox even says to me, how the hell did you get on the lot?

Seriously man, how do you think? I fucking lied. How has anyone ever gotten anything? How have I ever been laid? How have I ever filled out a resume?

But in the elegant words of a former San Diego native, "If you aren't cheating you aren't trying."

PF rating: 3.2

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